Wednesday, October 26, 2011

MVC3 Entity Framework To infer primary key, or not to infer --or exclude altogether in Model1.edmx

The table/view 'dbo.Pets' does not have a primary key defined.
The key has been inferred and the definition was created as a read-only table/view.

The table/view 'dbo.WebPaymentGatewayLog' does not have a primary key defined and no valid primary key could be inferred. This table/view has been excluded. To use the entity, you will need to review your schema, add the correct keys, and uncomment it. 
The data type 'geography' is not supported; the column 'GEOG' in table 'dbo.World_Cities' was excluded. c:\users\BigHoss\documents\visual studio 2010\Projects\Mvc3App02\Mvc3App02\Model1.edmx

Young Roofers

Young Roofers
Men Making

Fly. Be Free.

Fly. Be Free.
Man Ready to Hang ... Glide


A Man in the Making - 12 years old


A Man in the Mud